Well worth your dollars. Products are very well made and even better in person. Your purchase will definitely make you want to purchase more. Highly recommend
Well, I am a repeat customer with Altered Matter & let me tell you just how great they are.
I keep going on & on about the wonderful personal touch of the hand written thank you on my receipt & there are no adjectives in any human language to describe how incredible that feels.
Well my favorite store has gone so far above & beyond that I am totally geeking out.
Not only do I get a hand written thank you but this time through it was personalized further by being addressed to me directly.
So in conclusion "Altered Matter" is THE example for all customer service.
These little dragons are adorable. They’re made of hard plastic and look pretty durable. I haven’t given them to my grandkids yet, but I can imagine the 4 year old will walk around with the dragon on his shoulder, and it’s heavy enough to stay there.